Tuesday, December 16, 2003

rasanya makin lama makin males aja gue... sedihhh... padahal.. wkt masa ujian.. uda planning ini itu utk aktivitas selama liburan... ehh.. ga taunya..setelah mulai libur.. malah jadi berantakan deh planning gue.. *pengen nangis deh...*

perlahan-lahan..satu demi satu komitmen gue selama liburan jadi buyar.. kok isa gitu yah? memang si..selama liburan, sering bgt timbul hal2 yg unexpected gitu... misale: yg paling obvious aja deh... salah satunya: bangun telat, lalu abis itu jadi be-te deh...selanjutnya..seharian be-te terus.. ujung2nya.. seharian ga ngapa-ngapaen... *hics... srottt...srottt..* parah ga si gue?? waa.... salah satunya juga.. yaitu rencana mengisi blogspot secara teratur... in fact, uda seminggu ga diisi... waaaa... hicss... :'((( jadi tambah sedih deh. Tuhan... am i rili that useless??? keknya gue-nya yg males yah.. mentang2 libur.. jadi ga isa disiplin waktu... ga bole gitu sih... sorry yah Tuhan..sekali lagi saya gagal...hics... have mercy on me, Lord! anak-MU mengaku dosa dan memohon belas kasihan yg dari pada-Mu saja..

jadi teringat lirik lagu: "waktu itu singkat dan keabadian itu panjang... waktu sekarang takkan terulang...". Lagunya bagus banget... liriknya menjelaskan bahwa segala sesuatu itu ada waktunya.. ada waktunya bertemu dan ada waktunya berpisah, ada waktu bercanda dan ada waktu bekerja dan berencana.. segala sesuatu ada waktunya.. namun jgn sampai terlena oleh waktu.. sebab waktu itu singkat adanya... tak heran kalo pemazmur di mazmur pasal ke-brp gitu juga berkata: Ajar kami Tuhan, menghitung hari-hari kami, agar kami beroleh hati bijaksana...

dari pemazmur itu, kita bole belajar bahwa kita harus memanfaatkan waktu dgn sebaik-baiknya.. coz Tuhan yang sudah begitu baik memberikan kita 24 jem sehari.. so kita ga bole menyia-nyiakan waktu dr Tuhan begitu saja... dengan hikmat dan pimpinan dr Tuhan, biarlah hari demi hari bole dilewati untuk menyenangkan hati Tuhan aja... :))) or at least, hari-hari bole diisii dgn hal-hal yg bermanfaat sehingga waktu tidak berlalu dgn percuma saja... , setuju ?!!?

Saturday, December 06, 2003

wassup for tonite? hehehe ^_^

:: Friday, Nov 28 ::

will try to fill this space regularly with my daily activities regardless the good one or bad... so, watch this space, pal! i know, it will be really hard to keep this good habit of writing regularly, but i promise will try my best to do it. *Jia you! jia you!*

As a starting point, might want to recall some highlights from the last ten days activities.

:: Monday, Dec 1 ::

24 more days toward Christmas...

# i am dreaming of a white christmas....
just like the one i used to know...
... and may all your christmases be white. #
[text from White Christmas]

ohh.. wat a romantic song...

okay, today i woke up pretty late then just had some room-cleaning up before heading to uni at 1. i know my buddies are having sports at unigym at 10 this morning and i heard that they are playing some badminton and basketball. well, those two ain't really my fave ones. sorry~...! ^_^

Whoa... wait a minute, dun get it wrong, mate! it doesnt mean that i dont like sport... i am just not really into it. i love watching soccer, tennis, rugby world cup and those sort of stuffs, but not to involve myself in those tough and rough sports. However, i do make effort to hit the gym regularly. trust me!! :-)

next, i went to uni and only saw christian at the bus stop. the rest were showing up slowly one after another during the next 40 minutes. can u believe that? this is not the first time though.. hahaha.. never mind. just cant get used to it.

finally twelve of us arrived at bondi junction around 3 in the afternoon. we got lunch at a nearby grill cafe ( i forgot the name..poor me!) and unfortunately, the food really took a loooooooong time to be cooked. i think it was already 4 o'clock when we were starting eating. the good side is the food was okay and not really pricey. fair enough for us.

since we have messed up the time slot for movies, and it wont be a good idea to have another meal at wooloomooloo [as according to our plan] right after this very-late one, then we just decided to change a bit our planning and have a karaoke first before dinner. a bus from bondi beach down to elizabeth street delivered us to the karaoke spot. however, we still spent another half an hour at nearby david jones before entering the karaoke at 6pm.

long story become short, we sang and had some infectious laugh in a karaoke room until 8.30 pm. wat a nite! yet the nite was still very young. nevertheless, we had a quick and simple dinner at a nearby chinese noodle house before we called it a day. Those who live in city were returning to their beloved shelter and so were those who live in the eastern suburb.

:: Friday, Nov 28 ::

Yay! another gathering session! A bunch of friends and i will be having a meeting at feliz's place at 0600 pm about our next outing on the coming monday. it's a good thing to do after stressing with the exams for weeks. However, before heading to feliz's place at kingsford, angela asked me for a companion to buy some chocolates and cakes since she might want to throw a simple-yet-surprising birthday party during the meeting for two ppl in our gank who happen to have their birthdays in november.

Happy birthday line to Arief and Maria! And also want to wish a journey mercy for our friends vera and juanita who will be back to indonesia for holidays.

Hey, I tell you a secret arr.. ssttt!! dun tell anyone... okay? this is only between me and you as my diary.. ^_^

this friend of mine - angela - loves to shop lots of varieties of chocolates, but in fact, she doesnt really like to eat chocolate. can u imagine that? therefore, if the shop assistant happens to offer us some sampled chocolate for free, then like it or not, it should be me who have to eat them. hahaha... however, still can see the good side. it is that i can have more free chocolates all for myself rather than have to share some with her... haahhaha [just kidding larr..]

after browsing three or four chocolate stores together around QVB, Centrepoint and David Jones, finally she decided to shop at David Jones food hall. Initially, there will be three of us who are going shopping. but unfortunately, Christian can't make it today. so bad!! He only can come for the meeting. Long story become short, we end up purchasing seven or eight varieties of chocolates with weight of 100grams each and a vanilla sponge cake with strawberries from David Jones and a chocolate cake from Michelle's.

We also got two singing candles and a number of sparkling candles. hey, singing candle? ummm... mmm..Okay, the candles cant really sing... hahaha.. the candle is kinda sounding the happy birthday music when being lit, and for the sparkling candle, i think it's just those stick-shaped fireworks. We've got plenty of food and candles and now ready to mess up feliz's place. *hahaha... lolz*

Basically, we have our meeting and the party and we conclude our monday's outing as followed:
1000 sports @ unigym
1300 meet @ 400 bondi-junction bus stop then having lunch @ bondi beach
1500 movies @ fox's studio
1800 dinner @ wooloomooloo's hot dog
2000 karaoke @ karaoke world on elizabeth st

Well, after the meeting and the can-be-said-as-snack-time-only chocolate and cakes consumption at feliz's, it's nearly 0900 pm and most of us are going home. howeva, there are still six of us who need to be fed with real dinner. we - angela, christian, arief, marissa, feliz and me - are heading to Nasi Uduk at kingsford. yummy!! :p

that's the end of my friday activities...

to be continued...
phew!! after hours of surfing and choosing the skin and editing, here comes the result... not bad lar for a starter like me *grinn* not to forget the constant guidance from my fella william.

should dedicate all credits to william aka. iyem for helping me establishing this blogspot... thanks bro'. i really owe you this time... ^_^
Hello world... my first posting in blogger... if u ask how i feel.. then should say... very excited and happy but yet still a bit confused.. d-ohh... hahahaha