Wednesday, November 30, 2005

gourmet coffee

Went for coffee with Jim after work today. It's been raining for hours and thanked God it stopped as i finished work. Talking about gourmet coffee, I tried the new peppermint mocha at Starbucks Hyde Park and it did taste wicked. Quite like this new-flavour. The last thing i knew was it kept me awake for the next couple of hours. *grinn*

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Piano sale @ Allans

planned to go to the gym (after church) but didnt quite make it - okay, i skipped gym today *oops*. Been at church for meeting til 1 and later had lunch with Phil and Jono in Flemington.

On my way home, cant help but purposely making a stop at Allans. There's piano sale and the place was packed with people. Didnt have a chance to talk with the salesperson.

Been eyeing on Yamaha P60 priced for A$1000 and Roland FP-5 A$2999. Hmmm~

Should go there again some time during the week. The rest of the day was history - was in bed sleeping. It's been a tiring week after exams and work on Thu and Fri.

It's late now and there's church tomorrow. Another week has elapsed again, ey? Looking forward to attending the final Adult Sunday School session tomorrow for this year. Classes will be dismissed until next term next year.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Indo Churches X'Mas Service

Tonight Jim and I went to Sir John Clancy Auditorium [UNSW Campus] and attended a Christmas Service held by Indonesian churches Forum in Sydney.

We had Rev. Dr. Buby Ticoalu from Jakarta as the speaker and spectacular Angklung choir consisting members from WIC and IPC Randwick.

There was also a mass choir of 100ish people from various churches in Randwick, Hurstville, Croydon - to name a few. The choir sang beautifully and the sermon was so great. He talked about how malice sin is and then explored how real the love from God is as God himself is real.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

more Leichardt

Went to leichardt with Fel, Chris and Jill for dinner as Chris will be leaving for Indo on Saturday. Won't be seeing him for the next three months. *ouch* what a long time! Had some lemon-mango gelato too after dinner. It was excellent! hehehe

And some more photo-taking at the plaza and forum before heading back to city. What a night!

Been enjoying the company tonight.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

eXams endEd

There were some surprises in today's paper. Thanked God i managed to finish all questions in due time.

Am glad exams are over. Will be busy this weekend. Gotta be at church for some meeting and, ah, some more sleeping to catch up. *grin*

Quick news, the 2006 WSCCC Church Retreat will be on the last weekend in April next year.

Monday, November 21, 2005

last paper to sit

Phew. Two Physio papers today - both at Randwick Racecourse. To settle one more paper on Wed. Its open book and am up to it. Hehehe

Cant wait til exam finishes. Will prolly stick with industrial training stuff and thesis completion in these coming months. Cheers

Friday, November 18, 2005

Il Divo new album

have just listened to Il Divo latest album "Ancora" - it's awesome! *thumbs up* loved the first song and last one - Heroe and O Holy Night.
Il Divo - Ancora

Two papers on Monday - cramping for exams.