Sunday, February 22, 2004

/Ehem..ehem...setelah ber-hibernasi selama 2 bulan, now i am back!!! hehehe~ i know.. i know, its hard to start again.

The only reason that encourages me to keep writing regardless a couple of failure that have been took place is i believe life could be much more beautiful and memorable if we could make a proper and regular documentation of it, rite? there would be too many events in every single day in our life when we should be grateful and thankful to God no matter it ends up in ways we like it or not.

I change the outlook of my blogspot. i know, its still far from perfect and any suggestion and critics will be welcome. Especially about the shoutbox layout. I admit its so unsatisfying. uda rada bete sih.. hahaha~ will try to update it tomorrow after i refresh my mind with some good sleep.

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