Thursday, March 11, 2004

whoa... it has been weeks since the last time i fill this blog. oops.. hehe
guess the uni work might have occupied most of my time and free time. have i mentioned that the result of my summer semester is out? okay..okay.. just got the result two days ago and the result is so terrific. i got 90 for my chemistry and 80 point something for my CCNA level 1 course. Sooooooo happy and instantly i call my mom and tell her the good news. hehehe~

anyway, today is thursday and it is almost the end of the second week of this semester. Isnt it true that time elapses very fast? unless i want to score bad in this still-quite-brand-new-although-two-weeks-have-almost-gone semester, surely i have to use my time in much thoughtful manner, rite? ^_^

i suppose to have a 2-hour laboratory session from 12 to 2pm on thursdays but the lab won;t be started until week 3. now is still week 2 then i got two-hour break at the moment. spent my first hour break in the biomedical library of UNSW then will attend a more-like-lecture campus-bible-study class for at 1pm. the cbs (short-form for campus bible study phrase) will discuss the whole the book of hebrew for this semester.

yup, now is already a quarter to one and i better grab some lunch before up to cbs. will try to talk more later. thumbs up and always be positive! ~~ ^_^

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