Thursday, December 07, 2006

Witnessing God's grace

Status: Awarded Graduand

My heart overflows with utmost thanksgiving to God for He has graciously allowed me to graduate from the university. Lyric of a song "My Tribute" by Andrea Crouch makes my eyes teary as i ponder at God's blessing upon me.

How can I say thanks
for the things You have done for me?
Things so undeserved
yet You give to prove Your love for me
The voices of a million angels
could not express my gratitude
All that I am and ever hope to be
I owe it all to [You] ...

I thank God for all the strength and grace given to me so that i can finish my tertiary study satisfactorily. The last semester was the toughest compared to the earlier few years of my university life. It was tough in the sense of huge loads of assessments varying from assignments, projects, lab works, lab reports, seminars, lab practical exams to final examination papers at the end of the semester.

Well, i met couple of new friends from Chemical Engineering background as we were in the same electives. They are very very nice people. I value the days we spent together studying, discussing and preparing seminars. This opportunity enabled me to learn more about other people's personalities and way-of-thinking which i might not encounter before.

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