Sunday, May 20, 2007

an utterance of comfort

And of encouragement.
But don't get too comfort.

A young mom approached me today after weekly music practice. She conveyed her heart-felt appreciation on the interpretational side of my playing.

And I felt pretty much encouraged by her saying.
May all glory be brought back to God.

She shared with me how her grade-5-piano teen-age son's playing has been too technical with not much feeling given to it. And she is quite distressed about it.

I believe it must have been the work of the Holy Spirit through my mind and fingers that has enabled me to play in such way.

Playing short choruses (i.e. contemporary chinese christian music) is much easier as I play by ear - thanks to the chord charts printed on most music sheet. But playing hymnals has a completely different story to tell.

With God's help, I must continue practice hymns.

And continue to be humble.
It doesn't matter if your playing goes unnoticed on most Sundays, as long as you remember that whatever you do, you do it for the glory of God - and not the glory of yourself or anyone else.

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