Thursday, March 11, 2004

whoa... it has been weeks since the last time i fill this blog. oops.. hehe
guess the uni work might have occupied most of my time and free time. have i mentioned that the result of my summer semester is out? okay..okay.. just got the result two days ago and the result is so terrific. i got 90 for my chemistry and 80 point something for my CCNA level 1 course. Sooooooo happy and instantly i call my mom and tell her the good news. hehehe~

anyway, today is thursday and it is almost the end of the second week of this semester. Isnt it true that time elapses very fast? unless i want to score bad in this still-quite-brand-new-although-two-weeks-have-almost-gone semester, surely i have to use my time in much thoughtful manner, rite? ^_^

i suppose to have a 2-hour laboratory session from 12 to 2pm on thursdays but the lab won;t be started until week 3. now is still week 2 then i got two-hour break at the moment. spent my first hour break in the biomedical library of UNSW then will attend a more-like-lecture campus-bible-study class for at 1pm. the cbs (short-form for campus bible study phrase) will discuss the whole the book of hebrew for this semester.

yup, now is already a quarter to one and i better grab some lunch before up to cbs. will try to talk more later. thumbs up and always be positive! ~~ ^_^

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Whoa... time elapses so fast. TOday is Tuesday already and it is my second day in my fall semester aka. first half of my third year. Let me start from a day before my first day, that is sunday nite.

Wot did i do on Sunday? Umm... went to church, had the choir practise as usual until 2.30 in the arvo and then went home. After realising i got notin' much to do at home, I went to Broadway to do some grocery i.e. some low-fat milk, cereal and laundry powder. Quite interested with the cereal bcoz i saw Kellogs' has launched same-old cornflakes with brand-new names such as K-Time, Just right and many more. But the one that caught most of my interest was the cornflakes that got some bit and piece of real strawberry fruit inside. Isnt that quite odd yet taste good? at least for me! haha~ havent got chance to try it and won;t be able to make it until i finish all the cereal i currently have at home.

Getting bored with the shopping, i indulge myself with a not-so-new-anymore movie of Monalisa Smile at Hoyts-Broadway while it wasn't too early to call it a day. A bit confused coz most of the ppl in the cinema were girrrllzz!! The rating for the movie is PG only and perhaps the lack of violence and fighting scene might have distracted the interest among boyz. Not sure about this~ But basically, the movie was good. Its about a new not-so-conservative teacher (julia roberts) that came to a very conservative school with high-achieving students and she seemed to struggle a bit to adapt with. while the movie took place somewer in massachusetts state in 1950's era and it was obvious that this modern-thinking teacher would like to enhance the women's role in the society about pursuing higher level of education which at the moment the role of women was only to become good housewives without the dreams or encouragement to continue to college. Three out of five thumbs for the movie!

Okay.. okay, after the movie, went home and yet not tired. maybe deep inside my mind still has the over-excitement about my new semester and it ended up staying awake until dawn. Excited about new material to study, new lecturers to learn from and new textbook to enhance my collection!! haha~ just disregard the last one.

Finally the big day is come~!! the first lecture was on 11am. Bcoz i got there a bit late due to lack of express bus plus the very-slow-in-that-morning traffic, i sat quite at the back of about-400-ppl-in-capacity lecture hall. The hall was 98% full when i got there. can u imagine that? This ELEC3006 aka Electronics A is a big class since it is a compulsory class for every third year Electrical, Telecomm. and Computer Engineering student.

Had an hour break before the next lecture of TELE3013-Telecomm.System-1. then got another one-hour break before 2-hour-in-row PHYS2939-Electromagnetism lecture and 1-hour-lecture-directly-after-that another TELE3013 lecture.

Thats the first day!! Quite satisfied and still excited for second day, that is today!!! Its 1 pm already and my break is finish already. talk again later. cheer, mate!

Thursday, February 26, 2004

its 0100am and i still in front of my computer!!! I tried to put some photos in here but i still cant work it out. shame on me. After consulting this issue with mee-a, i still stuck in creating my own space somewer here in the cyberspace to keep the photos that will be shown in the blogger since blogger doesnt provide any space to store the photos. Keep the finger-crossed and hope can work it out tomorrow.

I am so happy coz a ticket to return home has been booked for me in this coming July. I will be staying in Singapore for about 27 hours before my next flight to my beloved hometown Medan.

Here is my itenerary:

(day/date : time : from-to : flight number)

Sat/July3 0815-1420 syd-spore SQ220
Sun/July4 1920-1935 spore-medan MI238

Fri/July23 2025-2250 medan-spore MI237
Sat/July24 0020-0940 spore-syd SQ231

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Yay! i pass! i pass! and my exam is finished... legaaaaaaaaaaa deh.. cant thanks Daddy enough ever for all His grace and blessing to me.. since it is an online 54-in-total multiple choice questions, I immediately got my result which is 79% right after i submit my answers. The most scary part was to click the submit button and at that very moment, your result would be relieved. Can u imagine how tense i was at that time?

Yet the good thing is, i have prepared myself with the worst possibilities. If i fail, then i still can sit for the supplementary exam next week. So, its not the end of the world, huh, if u dont pass the test. hehehe~ rite? :))

niwei, due to pre-exam serious-lack-of-sleep that has occured since monday nite to tuesday morning, (hehe...) which yet has no effect to me and i still can enjoy the so-called annual week-long O-Week start-from-Tuesday festive along the university walkway which happens to welcome and introduce the campus to thousands of new-coming first year students. The crowd is fantastic and not to forget the contribution of plenty of stalls from broad-range of student societies, sport clubs and various religious groups. There, meet some ppl we (angela and me) know and have a good time in the crowd.

After being bored with the noise and ppl, angela and i went to kingsford for some delicacy in an Italian restaurant which is so recommended by angela. i have no idea about this restaurant, but i took a big step and chose veil with avocado and she picked veil with some marsala wine. the food was fantastic although the serve of prawn entree (the one we ordered) was quite small. Overall, its not very pricey for the food. Well done, mate! hehehe

After that, we go back to uni (wot a nerd, ay? hahaha) BUT not to study anymore. Instead we play some piano at Squarehouse for an hour or two. She played the-2003-autralian-idol-runner-up Shannon's no.1-hit 'What about me' and Guy's 'Angel brought me here'. Wasnt that terrific? Coz those two songs were and still are my fave ones.

Its still raining outside which has been there since we finished the exam.Finally we head to bus-stop and take a express L94 bus to circulay quay then we hop off at David Jones opposite to Hyde Park. I make a stop at Centrepoint food-court to get some takeaway dinner. And so on and so on.

Finally we call it a day and we go back home in different direction. I take a bus from Town hall and she walk home which is just around the corner from QVB.

nevetheless, remember that i mentioned about my pre-exam serious-lack-of-sleep? yea.. u right. after i got home, i had my takeaway dinner and to be honest, i just cant help my eyes open anymore by 8pm!! and i slept until this morning. wot a piggy i am.. hahaha~

Now, Wednesday morning, and the rain started from yesterday afternoon still hasn;t stopped and it was forecasted to last until tomorrow. Today temperature is said to be 21 degree C.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Waaaa.. uda jem 2300hours and masi belon kelar belajarnya..hicz hicz. begini loh, besok ada tes besar, examnya kelas networking yang gue ambil. Nama kelas-nya CCNA level 1. it is a supplementary telecommunication/networking course outside my uni degree tapi kelasnya mengambil tempat di UNSW juga. COmpany-nya sih CISCO. pokoknya susah banget deh. GImana yah?? hihihi. Ora et labora loh.. jia you! jia you^^! lalu juga mau kelarin journal ama report dr kelas ini utk disubmit besok. bakalan burn a lot of midnite oil deh this time... hihihi.. segitu aja yah my dear diary utk hari ini... will talk more after exam... yay!! so happy, cant wait until the exam is over... cyaaaa

Sunday, February 22, 2004

/Ehem..ehem...setelah ber-hibernasi selama 2 bulan, now i am back!!! hehehe~ i know.. i know, its hard to start again.

The only reason that encourages me to keep writing regardless a couple of failure that have been took place is i believe life could be much more beautiful and memorable if we could make a proper and regular documentation of it, rite? there would be too many events in every single day in our life when we should be grateful and thankful to God no matter it ends up in ways we like it or not.

I change the outlook of my blogspot. i know, its still far from perfect and any suggestion and critics will be welcome. Especially about the shoutbox layout. I admit its so unsatisfying. uda rada bete sih.. hahaha~ will try to update it tomorrow after i refresh my mind with some good sleep.