Friday, December 16, 2005

count your blessings

been attending the bible study meeting at Rev.Wongso's tonight. We all had dinner together followed by sharing session afterwards. Most were in awe giving thanks for God's blessing and leading throughout the year, a few bursted in tears witnessing and experiencing how marvellous God's healing hand has worked upon them and their beloved families. By faith and ceaseless prayers, we may survive through this journey of life. May all glory be returned to God.

We are taught to count the blessings that have been poured out upon us in the past 12 months. Personally i would then give thanks for things - too many to mention - that God has graciously blessed upon me.

By God's kindness, i could go through so many exams throughout the year.
By God's provision, i could find such a job that is suitable for my Industrial Training.
By God's mercy, i continue to serve at church as a musician.
By God's grace, i could attend the nationwide sacred music camp held in September.

and the list grows on and on...


Meechan said...

helo dan
udah lama gak mampir
how r u?

Anonymous said...

His blessings are uncountable, :D

Meechan said...

merry christmas and earlier happy new year ya dan!
natal ini pulang ga
lama banget ya gak chat
miss u so much