Sunday, June 18, 2006

Did you know?

The 2nd Sunday after Pentecost

According to the church calendar, today is the second sunday after Pentecost (June 4). Formerly dedicated as the first Sunday after Trinity Sunday (which is last Sunday - June 11), this Sunday was just another ordinary Sunday a local Anglican church celebrating Choral Eucharist at 11am with setting of HOWELLS Missa Collegium Regale sung in English and a latin motet of TALLIS Dum transisset Sabbatum.

The remaining Sundays until Advent (about the end of the year) will continue to be remembered as post-Pentecost Sundays with naming of "the n-th Sunday after Pentecost". We will constantly be reminded about the continuous work of the Holy Spirit upon Christ's church throughout the year.

Fr Peter is still on leave for a journey to UK and the States until July. There'll be Choral Evensong next Sunday afternoon 3pm (it's the 4th Sunday of the month) sung by a guest choir known as The Cathedral Singers from St Andrew Cathedral (Anglican Church) Sydney.

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