Saturday, October 15, 2005

Asgmnt on Wkend

It's been a good Saturday. Spending the whole morning at UTS Union sitting-area doing assignment with Arie. It was fun and lots of laugh. There were also a group of people in the same place doing some video-shooting and unavoidably capturing us as the background. Shouldn't it be a good thing? Hmm.. no idea.

We finished the assignment somehow and it felt so great. I haven't been catching up with Arie for a while. It's been a while ago when we did group-project together. This has been his last session and he's been accepted for graduant position in some IT company for next year acceptance. Good on him! *thumbs up*

Not sure how it was initiated, but we did end up spending the rest of the arvo at Angela's place and meeting a new friend there. This friend of Angela is Lance and he's a graduant from UNSW Computer Eng. I was told he played badminton very well. He seemed to be a very nice guy. It's great to have a chat or two.

Three of us (excluding Arie - he went somewhere else) were having dinner at an upper-floor Jap dining place located across from Sydney Entertainment Centre in Chinatown. The night was wrapped with a brief night walk around Darling Harbour before we headed back to home. Should catch up again some other time, yeah? :-)

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