Sunday, October 30, 2005

much-awaited moment of exams

Yes, am getting ready for first final paper tomorrow. The rest will follow in the upcoming two weeks or so.

Week 14 Monday 31/10 - BIOM2210 Biomedical Measurement Practice
Afternoon 16.00-18.00 Biomedical Theatre B

Tuesday 15/11 - TELE3015 High Frequency Electromagnetics
Afternoon 13.45-17.00 Mathews 102

Wednesday 16/11 - ELEC4011 Ethics for Electrical Engineering
Morning 08.45-11.00 Roundhouse D/WRoom

Monday 21/11 - PHPH2221 Physiology 1B - Paper 1
Morning 08.45 -11.00 Randwick Racecourse - South; Level 4

Monday 21/11 - PHPH2221 - Paper 2
Afternoon 13.45-15.00 Randwick Racecourse - LowerTea

Wednesday 23/11 - BIOM9410 Regulatory Requirements for Biomedical Technology
Afternoon 13.15-16.30 Biomedical Theatre D

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